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Extremely high threshold for enforcement against p…

Extremely high threshold for enforcement against property in Hong Kong
In Mainland China it is common to apply to the court for preservation of property for enforcement of judgment debt. Against a disappeared debtor, if his identifiable  assets a…

Enforcing Mainland judgment through insurance poli…

Enforcing Mainland judgment through insurance policies issued in Hong Kong
If one has no property or asset in Mainland China for Mainland judgment enforcement, is the enforcement possible against his / her insurance policy in Hong Kong?

Risks of commencing litigations in Hong Kong

Risks of commencing litigations in Hong Kong
A. Jurisdiction 1.Hong Kong and Mainland China belong to different jurisdictions. The question on whether Hong Kong is the forum coveniens with jurisdiction over the subject matter…

Enforcement of civil judgment in Hong Kong

Enforcement of civil judgment in Hong Kong
A litigant who wins the case and obtains a court judgment against the other party could obtain an order from the court for remedies. Some of the common remedies include: monetary p…

Statutory limitation period in US, Hong Kong and M…

Statutory limitation period in US, Hong Kong and Mainland China
1.Mainland China has a shorter statutory limitation period: Pursuant to the current framework under s.135 of the “General Principles of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of Ch…

Cost of commencing litigations in Hong Kong

Cost of commencing litigations in Hong Kong
Many of my fellow lawyers and friends back in Mainland China complained that their clients are unable to commence proceedings in Hong Kong, as it is very costly to do so in Hong Ko…

Length of litigations in Hong Kong

Length of litigations in Hong Kong
Many of my friends are curious on the length of litigation in Hong Kong, the approximate litigation costs and whether there is a system of contingency / conditional fee in Hong Kon…

Are Contingency Fees allowed in Hong Kong Litigati…

Are Contingency Fees allowed in Hong Kong Litigation Cases?
There are many cases within the Mainland that are undertaken by lawyers on both “contingency fee” and “conditional fee” bases. This means that the lawyer is operating under a ‘No W…

Statutory limitation period for civil proceedings …

Statutory limitation period for civil proceedings in Hong Kong
Pursuant to the current framework under Hong Kong Law, the statutory limitation period for commencing a civil proceeding is as follow:

What should one do if the Mainland court judgments…

What should one do if the Mainland court judgments is not recognised and enforced in Hong Kong
As mentioned in “Recognition and Enforcement of Mainland court judgment in Hong Kong”, there are 5 prerequisites to be complied with before the Hong Kong courts recognise and enfor…

The Jury System in Hong Kong

The Jury System in Hong Kong
Five people were charged with rioting and inciting riots in the civil unrest that broke out in Mongkok in 2016. The jury was being selected at the High Court today (20 February 201…

Legal Protection to Policyholders of Hong Kong Ins…

Legal Protection to Policyholders of Hong Kong Insurance
Are Hong Kong insurance policies taken out by Mainland residents entitled to legal protection in Hong Kong? This has been a question troubling Mainland residents and lawyers for a …

Annual vetting of Hong Kong lawyers

Annual vetting of Hong Kong lawyers
As of the end of February 2016, there were around 13,000 lawyers, including solicitors and barristers, in Hong Kong. 9,925 of them were solicitors with 65% of them in the private p…

Relevant factors for bail application and consider…

Relevant factors for bail application and consideration under common law
“An Executive of Huawei has recently been arrested in Canada and is in the course of applying for bail. This article is going to discuss the factors that a common law judge will co…

Yaoning Incident

Yaoning Incident
The earlier incident whereby a Chinese defence lawyer was being framed during the course of his client’s trial by a prosecutor for soliciting prostitutes came to the attention of t…